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In the Indian Summer Garden

Doreen Kleinschmidt

Yoga begins today in the garden.

A small city haven (8 x 12 and 2 x 12) behind waiting-for-trimming hedges. Breakfast bowl in lap, Buddha and rock-scapes beside me, I am in it. I am surrounded by small pink hydrangeas, miniature lilacs, catmint at my feet and a low growing spruce. I am there with them. Lily of the Valley draped in webbing and wearing their Fall orange berries, their fragrance is gone now except for the memory of my soul filled with it those two weeks in Spring. There are remnants of roses, clematis gone to curly heads and browned leaves and a few remaining morning glories framing my door on this glorious Indian Summer day. I look across my kingdom to another row of bright green hostas with leaves the size of pie plates and echinacea with big brown thistle heads and draping beige petals and a gone-by peony just watching. The sun comes through and teeny yellow leaves drift-dance down onto my breakfast! I hear the birds, I feel the sun and breeze on my skin. I see It and It sees me. Then my kitty calls me from the window and it is time to go to my poses.

My beautiful life, my beautiful Yoga, where I am, It is.


© Doreen Kleinschmidt and Mighty Oak Ministries International, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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