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Atonement: 3 Steps to Repair Your Soul and Restore Your Life

Nancy Noack

Atonement is the spiritual practice of restitution that repairs our souls and reclaims our wholeness with Divine Love.

Spiritually, atonement or “at-one-ment” is to be in the state of – unity – as the result of an action. When we misspeak or misstep, whether unconsciously or on purpose, we create fissions from our essential wholeness, the union of humanity and divinity within ourselves, others, and with God. Fortunately, we can re-establish Oneness through atonement.

In general, atonement is reparation for an injury or offense. Various religious and spiritual belief systems have slightly different interpretations or caveats. In Christianity, atonement is “the reconciliation of God and humankind through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.” In Judaism, we atone through confession of our transgressions and repentance. For Muslims, atonement means that each individual bears responsibility for his/her sins through acts of contrition. Many Native Americans practice atonement frequently through rituals of prayer, penance, and physical cleansing. And in Christian Science, atonement is the state of being in which one exemplifies the attributes of God. Nonetheless, all beliefs share one common purpose: Atonement is the spiritual practice of restitution that repairs our souls and reclaims our wholeness with Divine Love.

"The beginning of atonement is the sense of its necessity." ~ Lord Byron

Sometimes atonement can be a direct act of remorse, such as a sincere apology to someone whom we have harmed. But we cannot always make amends directly and need to atone within ourselves. Whether we atone alone or with another, the following steps can help heal the past and clear the way for a better life now:

1. Set pride aside. More often than not, it is the ego that leads us down the path of temptation – defensive words and actions intended to minimize another and bolster ourselves. No amount of bravado can mask insecurity forever. Inevitably, the truth is revealed, and we are left feeling the guilt of our wrongdoing. But when we set aside our pride, we are empowered to see our truth and move forward in Divine right action.

2. Reflect on transgressions. Atonement requires quiet reflection. Through prayer and meditation, we can transcend our emotions and unproductive thoughts to understand our role in the events of our lives with clarity and honesty. What led to the mishap? What can we do now? The answer lies within if we are willing to listen.

3. Repent in a modern way. Flogging is medieval, yet we mentally and emotionally punish ourselves every time we rehash the story of our misgiving with self-judgment or loathing. A direct apology is immediate and effective. However, it may not be possible to do so. Fortunately, we can heal from our wrongdoings through prayer, selfless service, and corrective action.

Guilt is the natural by-product of our offenses. If left unaddressed, guilt can tear our souls apart in the internal conflict with our divine nature. Our light dims, and we become someone we do not recognize or respect. However, like most emotions, guilt can be beneficial insofar as it flags a need for healing and release.

As the saying goes, the bell cannot be un-rung. While we cannot undo what is done, we can cultivate the willingness to atone for past mistakes and change our ways moving forward. When we include atonement as part of our spiritual practice, we can clear our consciousness, reclaim our integrity, and continue life unencumbered with ease and grace.

© Nancy Noack and Mighty Oak Ministries International, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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